TODDLERS: 2 Years to 2.5 Years



Toddlers are a very energetic bunch!  It is so important to stimulate meaningful play with this age group by singing and reading to them and encouraging them to explore their environment.  Toddlers love to learn through their senses and through motor experiences as well.  In this way, they are able to construct new understandings about their world. 

At Growing Years, it is the teacher’s job to continually structure the environment based on children’s needs and interests, allowing plenty of time and opportunity for them to explore each area.  In this way, teachers are taking an active role in all aspects of their development.  We believe toddlers want to continually learn and become more and more autonomous in their play, developing an “I can” attitude that will be critical as he/she moves from the toddler stage into the preschool years.


Developmental Milestones & Assessments

Primary caregivers, with the help of the lead teacher, provide parents with a developmental milestone report approximately every 3 months to let parents know what we are experiencing with their child at Growing Years.  These reports become the vehicle we use to share our understanding of early childhood development as outlined by child development professionals.

More Information

Although toddlers still need a lot of flexibility in their day, they also enjoy and need some structure and routine as well.  Having a routine of events throughout the day gives toddlers a sense of security. They can begin to anticipate the order of events while becoming familiar with how those routines are carried out, such as group time, eating time, center time, and going outdoors, etc…. 

Example of Daily Schedule

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